Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Morpheus Rig: Customising the Rig

We were asked to download the Morpheus Rig for our character performance unit. The rig was easily customisable and we were given the task of creating our own unique character by changing the pre-set features of the face, hair and body.

This is the original Morpheus file without any alteration:

And this is is my customised 'Morphy' character:

I changed the body shape to a more feminine one with curves, emphasising the chest and hips. I decided on a darker olive skin tone, changed the hair to red and gave the bodysuit a slight green hue. I made the nose more defined and narrow, the lips wider and fuller ,and the eyes and pupils larger and more deep set in to the face. All of this combined created a feminine rig with features that are suggestive of youth, beauty and innocence.

 As well as altering the 3D features of the character rig, I also took the face map and painted over it in 'Paint Tool Sai' using a graphics tablet. I added a dark tint and hand drawn eyelashes around the eyes and a darker terracotta red coloured lip to make the character seem more womanly and feminine. I also added slightly pink blushed cheeks with freckles to make her appear more innocent and youthful. Here is a before and after of the face map.

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