Friday 6 June 2014

Workflow: Time Management

Time management took a very big role in this term's project. Last term I found myself with the weight of the world on my shoulders as I typically left everything until the very last minute. I knew that this project would be time consuming, and combining that with the fact that I was determined to outdo myself and improve of the performance of last term, I became much more organised and concious of my time.

Our tutor kindly provided us with a schedule of work and what is expected from the class for each week until the end of term three. On our first session I saved the PDF and printed out a copy to stick on my wall at home. This gave me a constant reminder of where I should be at in terms of my work, and I found this extremely helpful in making sure I did not fall behind the rest of the class.

I successfully managed to keep on track with the schedule by being disciplined with myself and knowing how to separate free time and work efficiently. I got into a routine of relaxing, socialising and exercising until 4-5pm, I would then eat dinner and then sit down and use the rest of the evening for work. I turned this into a daily routine, with the exception of the weekends, otherwise using them to catch up on work that wasn't complete. I found this process to be very successful and it worked very much in my favour.

One time when my time management became complicated was during week 6/7 when I had a formative with my tutor. I had started my work using a certain piece of dialogue that I realised was not suitable the night before presenting to my tutor. That night, I changed my audio clip and decided to allow my tutor to approve for me to go ahead with it before I committed to it. This meant that after my formative I had some catching up to do, however within a few days, I was back on schedule.

I am proud of my time management this term and I feel as though it has benefited both me and my work.

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